The Rochester Lions are offering individuals in the City of Rochester an opportunity to show their pride and patriotism by displaying the American Flag in front of their homes on five (5) holidays per year.
These flags will be purchased and the poles attached
and assembled by our members.
Subscription donations will be sold by our members
a cost $40 each year.
All NEW and Renewing donors... subscribe early for 2025.
Registration for 2025 donations will open on February 1st, 2025 and close when we have reached our limit that we can deliver with our delivery teams or May 12th, 2025 (which ever is sooner).
We are sad to have to do this again this year but the number of Lions in our two clubs is not large enough to handle more deliveries. We have gotten great help from a Boy Scout Troop in Rochester (they have taken responsibility of two routes), but we cannot take on more flags with our current level of delivery teams.
For each charitable subscription donation, the Lion volunteers will place a 3' by 5' American flag on a 10 foot pole in front of the home on five national holidays: Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day,
Labor Day, and Veteran's Day.