photo of American flags on an avenue

In the City of Rochester, on five patriotic days throughout the year, at dawn a large flag appears on the boulevard in front of your house and it is taken down at dusk…. It's a Miracle!

In another part of the city, a parent of a preschool child gets a report from a certified screener who came to the preschool to check eyes… It’s a Miracle!

A mother who has been blind got a cornea transplant and now can see her children…. It’s a miracle!

A person in a poverty ridden country gets fitted with a pair of used eyeglasses and can see… It’s a miracle!

The Lions invite you to become a “miracle worker” by becoming a part of the Lions Avenues of Flags. This Rochester community project will create “Lions Avenues of Flags” on selected streets throughout the city on five days of each year. The Lions invite you to be a part of accentuating this great city’s patriotism by displaying the American flag on the boulevard in front of residences that wish to participate in this project. This will be a fund raiser for the Lions Clubs to support their many projects.

For more details on the clubs’ projects visit:

  • Rochester Host Lions Club: > PROJECTS <

  • Rochester ’76 Lions Club:    > PROJECTS <